General Purpose

Our main purpose is to keep alive and insure that the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments of the United States Constitution are not forgotten by the younger generation.

Scholarship Application

All High School seniors are asked to navigate to the Scholarship Application page, under the Annual Programs link, to see the current requirements and instructions to submit an application for our annual scholarships.

Liberty Bell Program- February

On June 3rd, 1948, President Truman signed the proclamation making February 1st National Freedom Day. A wreath laying ceremony at the Liberty Bell started in 1941 acknowledging that the Liberty Bell represents freedom for all people. The Bell ceremony continues to be held on February 1st of each year just prior to the luncheon. The program consists of a short presentation on freedom following a processional with the wreath laying at the Liberty Bell. 

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Scholarship Luncheon- February

The National Freedom Day Association Luncheon is held following the Bell Ceremony. At the luncheon students are presented with scholarships, selected based on essay submissions. Scholarships range from $500 and up. In addition, Community Service and Achievement Awards are presented to individuals who have contributed to society.

Prayer Breakfast- June

The National Freedom Day Prayer Breakfast was traditionally held on the Saturday before National Freedom Day.  The purpose of the breakfast was to bring together people to pray for the upcoming luncheon and the purpose of the organization.  In 2015 the decision, due to many years of bad weather, was made to move the breakfast to correspond with Juneteenth Day.  The 1st Juneteenth Day breakfast was held on June 18, 2016. While we still come together to pray for the National Freedom Day, our children, and our country, we also incorporate Juneteenth Day.
